The positive trend for the office market in Milan and Rome continued in the second quarter of 2018. Estimated take-up in Milan during the first half of 2018 was approximately 202,300 sqm, stable compared to the corresponding period of 2017, while a 16.6% increase was recorded at the quarterly level compared to second quarter 2017.
In terms of area let, the most active markets were the Periphery, accounting for 32% of the total, and the Semicentre, at 25%. A further increase in prime rents in the CBD to approximately 560 €/sqm per year was also noted.
Moving on to the Capital, the market was active during the half-year, with 84,455 sqm taken up, an increase of 18.3% compared to the first half of 2017. The CBD continues to be the preferred macrozone, accounting for 35% of total take-up and prime rent increasing to 420 €/sqm per year, followed by the EUR with 34%.